Hippocrates, the most famous Greek physician of ancient times, recommended olive oil for healing ulcers, cholera, and muscular pain. Nowadays is well known that olive oil contain plenty of antioxidants and helps to combat inflammation and protect from cancer. One study showed that olive oil may increase the average life span by 13.4 years by decreases the expression of proinflammatory genes in humans and reduce risk of dementia, cardiovascular disease.
Olive oil should be organic, extra-virgin, stone-crushed, cold-pressed, and stored in dark glass bottles( oils are light-sensitive). The difference between virgin and extra virgin olive oils is their acidity level, which affects their taste and quality. Extra-virgin varieties have fewer acids. Olive oil is sensitive to heat, though, which changes the beneficial compounds in it-so it is best to use it on salads or in dips rather than in cooking
What fats should you be eating for youthful skin? According to a recent population study of 2000 people, eating more Omega 3 fatty acids is associated with a lower rate of sunlight-induced skin ageing. Omega 3 in this study were from oily fish and plant oils. Flaxseeds is the most Omega 3 rich plant source, although pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts also contain some.
Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, oregano are the most beneficial anti-inflammatory superstars.
Salmon is high in Omega-3 anti-inflammatory fats.
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